Blessing Our Husbands
Ways that a Wife Can Bless Her Husband taken
from ideas given by a group of husbands:
1. Pray for your husband daily, not just casually ("God Bless Hubby")but for
specific areas of need and blessing.
2. Thank God for your husband's strengths, for the growth you see, and for the kindness
that he shows you and the needs he meets in your life.
3. Meditate often (at least once a week) on the scriptures that teach your
responsibilities and position in the home.
4. Listen to him. Try to really hear what he is saying when he communicates with you.
5. When he seems perplexed and troubled do not pressure him. Support him by prayer, your
presence, and words of encouragement.
6. Be ready to share your observations and insights in a meek spirit, but openly and
honestly, when he asks you. You can be his best counselor. You can anchor him when he
needs it most.
7. Encourage him. Do not nag him, or boss him. Do not argue with him even if you are sure
he is wrong. He may have something in mind that you are not aware of or do not understand.
Ask his counsel and advice.
8. Only say up-building and affirming things about your husband to others. Do not
criticize him even in a joking manner. Very rarely should you find yourself sharing
anything about his faults or failings, and then only with someone who is truly in a
position to help.
9. Bless your husband in public. Do not apologize for his background, weaknesses or
failures. This will build up your reverence for him and help establish the trust that you
should both have for each other.
10. If your husband has failed, entreat him in meekness, don't exaggerate the issue or
berate him.
11. Let him know that you want him to be your leader not only by what you say but by what
you do. You get that message across by the way you respond to the leadership he gives does
give you.
12. Seek to please your husband even when he does not spell out what he wants you to do.
Try to determine what his heart's desire is and do it as fully as possible.
13. Teach your children to honor him, respect him, and bless him. You do this best by your
own example.
14. Depend on him. Be very sensitive to areas in which he wants you to act independently.
Do not run away with this responsibility. Handle it carefully. If in question choose
dependence not independence.
15. Seek opportunities to serve your husband in love. Find ways to show him that he is
your "Lord."
16. Be ready to make changes in your day or schedule to accommodate his needs or desires,
especially if you run a home business and he needs you or the children to serve in some
17. When you need to make a appeal, prepare carefully. Choose your words wisely. Choose
the time well so that you can have his attention and time to explain yourself. That way
you can be sure that he understands you.When he is weary, at the end of a long day is not
a good time to communicate weighty matters.
18. Always let your husband have the last word, the deciding vote, the majority rule.
19. Don't say "I told you so."
20. Show appreciation for the way he provides for you.
21. Let your husband know that you love his attention to you and his singleness of heart
for you. Bask in this attention and help him relate discreetly to other women especially
by letting him know what makes women respond.
22. Reserve yourself, your beauty, and your charm for him. Maintain true modesty and
reserve while while relating to other men.
A cheerful heart is good medicine... (Prov 17:22a)
These are just a few of the
ways some husbands discussed that would make them feel honored. Women tend to think of
kisses, hugs, notes in lunch boxes and a meal spent together alone. I am sure that our men
appreciate all of those things. But as I typed this list that husbands had made, I was
extremely impressed with their need for support and encouragement. They need and want a
visible show of this. It is born out in our everyday life in the way we walk and talk, and
in the way we respond to their leadership, plans, and desires. |
I think that many times we
ladies are blind to how much contriving and planning we do to get our own way. Perhaps not
consciously, but nonetheless we often tend to get what we really desire. Where is your
heart? Is it where your husband can safely rest or are you always pushing the limit? Are
you always going to bat for your young people and helping your husband to see why this or
that is such a good idea? No doubt you do have good ideas that need to be shared.
But I am fully persuaded that I, all too often, am really blind to my husband's true
desires. |
Let us pray for each other and
meditate on how we can be women whose husbands can safely trust in. Let us be supporters,
encourages and blessings. Let us affirm our husbands and be there for them. Let us back
our husbands up and help them in their sincere desire to guide our families right. We can
make their job infinitely easier and thus build a relationship of trust that deepens
through the years, rather than ones that erode as our young people grow in maturity. What
a valuable legacy to pass on to posterity! Can he trust you to stand by him? |
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