Discussion and List Rules
 | No one is allowed to reprimand, criticize or attack another person through the mailing
list, or on the discussion board. This fellowship is designed to build each other up. No
husband bashing allowed. God has sanctioned marriage and we must do our part to uphold it
and bless it, without blame. We all have trying days with our children and husbands, but
we do not allow putting them down. |
 | Anyone is welcome to submit suggestions and topics. |
 | We welcome new members with open arms, and encouragement. This is a fellowship of
believers, and we offer encouragement, support, friendship and accountability. |
 | All members must be members of the mailing list. New members will not be added until
their names are listed with this mailing list. Information for joining the mailing list is
on the Join Abigail's Fellowship page. Please note: this mailing
list may generate many messages a day. |
 | All information shared on this list is to be considered personal, and kept confidential
with members of this fellowship, and not shared without permission. We may share prayer
requests and praises, without any names or personal data, because there is power through
prayer. |
Statement of Faith
 | We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, and the Divine authority for
Christian faith and life. |
 | We believe in the God of the Bible, infinitely perfect who has existed eternally as
presented to us through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. |
 | We believe Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, lived on earth, died on the cross for
our sins, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right
hand of God, the Father. He is now our High Priest. |
 | We have been created in the image of God, but fell into sin. We must trust Jesus Christ
and receive Him by personal invitation to receive salvation. And it is by the grace of God
that we are saved, through faith. |
 | We believe that Christian maturity is only possible through study, meditation and
memorization of His Word, and through the direction of the Holy Spirit. |
 | We believe that God has ordained marriage as a contract, and it is a safeguard to the
purity of life. |
 | We believe that children are blessings from God, and that we are responsible for their
care and teaching. |
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