SarahSarah was the wife of Abraham and mother to Isaac. She respected and supported her husband. She laughed when the angel said she would have a child in her old age. Then she laughed again when the long-awaited baby was born, and he was named in honor of the laughter she felt and experienced. Without childNow Sarah was barren; she had no children. Genesis 11:30 Sarah's heart ached for a child. She must have been heartbroken, and despondent to not be able to have children. Can you imagine, there is no infertility treatments, or support groups? The desire of her soul for a child leaves her feeling empty and unfulfilled. In an unknown landAbraham obeyed God's command to leave his country and travel to a land which God would show to him, and Sarah went with him. Genesis 12:4,5 She left everything she had ever known, except her husband. They travel to an unknown land, and Sarah follows without complaint, following her husband and master. From lying, to beautyShe obeyed Abraham, even to the point of stretching the truth, or lying, about being his sister and not his wife. Genesis 12:13, 20:2, 26:7 More than once, Abraham doubted God's provision, and lied to protect himself. Abraham lied about their relationship, but he did it because he believed Sarah was so beautiful that the kings they met would kill him and take Sarah. it must have bolstered Sarah's self-image to know that Abraham thought so highly of her beauty, that he would go to such lengths. Without patienceSarah was impatient, and convinced Abraham to take her maidservant, Hagar, so she could build a family through her. Genesis 16:2 It is so difficult to wait upon the Lord, especially when we think we know how things work, and what limitations exist. Sarah has this weakness, but it does not prevent God from blessing her, in His time. Through loneliness and fearSarah blamed Abraham for her suffering, when Hagar despised Sarah since she became pregnant, and Sarah was still barren. Sarah even requested the Lord to judge between Sarah and Abraham. Genesis 16:5 How hurt Sarah must have been, to still have no child, and now her servant believes that she is better than her mistress, just because she was able to conceive. How lonely she must have felt, to see Hagar with child, and her still alone. Was she afraid that Abraham would dismiss her? or love Hagar and her child? In angerSarah mistreated Hagar. Genesis 16:6 Sarah acts harshly toward Hagar, and drives her away. The anger consumes Sarah, and she turns against Hagar. With obedienceSarah submitted to Abraham as her master and husband. She laughed when she heard that she would have a son, at her advanced age. Genesis 18:12 Sarah respects her husband, and their marriage, and submits to him. She is not perfect, nor is he, but they support each other, and respect one another. She laughs to think that after all these years she could ever have a child. I wonder if she laughed, so she would not cry for all the years she longed for children and remained barren. Sharing laughterAbraham names Isaac, meaning "he laughs", and Sarah agrees that God has brought her laughter, and everyone who hears about her having a child when she is so old, will laugh with her. Genesis 21:6 There is a wonderful joy, even through childbirth, to share in the miracle of a new life, a child of one's own. The world looks brighter. There must be hope, for a child brings hope of tomorrow, and laughter for today. In bitternessSarah continues to mistreat Hagar, and also Ishmael and sends Hagar away with her son, not caring about them. Genesis 21:10 The pain is so deep, for Hagar was blessed before Sarah. It is Abraham's first son! How can she and Isaac compete. Unfortunately Sarah's bitterness, and Abraham's contribution to this situation result in Isaac's and Ishmael's people fighting for all time. The Israelites and Arabs are still fighting today, in bitterness. With loveWhen Sarah died, Abraham mourned and wept over her. Then he requested property from the people of the land, for a proper burial. Genesis 23:2-4 Abraham and Sarah shared many trials as well as many years. They weathered the storms, and loved one another. |
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