This page contains the information to join Abigail's Fellowship. We are a group of Christian women who support our husbands, as God intended us to do, as helpmates. We also encourage each other to be the best mother we can be for our children, in the image of God, as represented to us through the person of Jesus Christ. We do this through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is applicable to living in today's world, and it is a great resource for everyday situations. The mailing list is required for membership. We may have many mail messages on any given day. If you want support for your commitment to husband and children, and/or can give support, encouragement, or accountability to other Christian women, we look forward to meeting you. Join the FellowshipPlease send me an email with the following information. It will be available for members to contact you and view your web pages. At the minimum please include your name and email address. All other information is optional. Name Husband's name
Join the mailing listYou are responsible for adding your email address to the mailing list (please use the same email address as the one you email to me). You are also in control of changing email address, or deleting yourself from the mailing list. To remove your name from the member's list page, you will have to email me, and I will remove it.
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